Hope to see you at one of these 2023 events! Thanks for your interest in Ever-Green Vietnamese.
- Virtual, 10/11, EGV talk with newsletter subscribers (free & open to all!)
- Philadelphia, 10/16, Taco Revolution, dinner + signing w/ chef Carolyn Nguyen
- Philadelphia, 10/17, Gabriella’s, dinner + signing w/ chef Thanh Nguyen
- Oxford, MS, 10/19, 5:30pm, Off Square Books, signing w/ Southern Foodways Alliance
- Santa Cruz, 10/29, Bookshop SC, celebration & conversation w/ Nik Sharma & Veg-Table
- Oakland/Rockridge, 6/3, Market Hall, signing
- Santa Cruz, 6/13, Bookshop SC, talk
- Virtual, Cherry Bombesquad Meetup, demo + talk with Kerry Diamond (members only)
- Los Angeles, 6/21, Phenakite, solstice cooking + dinner with chef Minh Phan
- Los Angeles, 6/22, Now Serving, talk with Jessie Nicely
- SF, 6/29, The Ruby, EGV Cookbook Club potluck
- NYC, ⅚, Union SQ Greenmarket/Kitchen Arts & Letters, taste + signing
- Brooklyn, 5/7, Ban Be, community meet-up + signing (unfortunately cancelled)
- NYC, ⅝, Banh NYC, community dinner + signing (sold out)
- NYC, 5/9, Saigon Social, community dinner + signing (sold out)
- SF, 5/13, CAAMFest, talk with Soleil Ho + signing
- Zoom, 5/18, Early-Bird Bonus Cooking Class (5/17 registration deadline)
- Seattle, 5/23, Book Larder, demo + signing (sold out)
- Seattle, 5/24, Ba Bar Green, community dinner + signing (sold out)
- Zoom, 4/15, Empowered Phu Nu, interview + Q&A
- Zoom, 4/20, Accented with Viet Thanh Nguyen, interview + Q&A
- SF, 4/25, Omnivore Books, talk + taste
- Washington, DC, 4/30, Smithsonian, talk with Joe Yonan + tastings + wine
More coming. Get updates via my Pass the Fish Sauce newsletter (sign up, if you haven't; it's housed at Substack!).