Feel free to make a half batch, which takes about 25 minutes (half the time) in a 4-quart pot. The wide pot facilitates faster evaporation. As described in the main recipe, you can hedge the flavor and increase the amount of sugar after cooking. The coconut milk and cream you use will determine the flavor so you have to tinker a bit. Makes about 2 ⅓ cups.
213.5 oz cans full-fat, unsweetened coconut milk
⅔cupcoconut cream(buy coconut cream or harvest the thick cream from an unshakened can of coconut milk)
1 to 1 ½cups7 to 10.5 oz cane sugar
½teaspoonfine sea salt
1teaspoonvanilla extract(optional)
Use a wide medium pot (a 4-quart capacity one is ideal) to make this sweetened condensed coconut milk. Pour the coconut milk and cream into the pot. Add the sugar (start at 1 cup if you want to try for a less sweet flavor) and salt. Eyeball the level in the pot to later gauge the cooking progress in reducing the mixture. Warm over medium heat, stirring occasionally with a silicone spatula, until things begin simmering.
Adjust the heat to about medium-low to simmer for 30 to 45 minutes, scraping the pan frequently to avoid gunk from accumulating on the sides. Adjust the heat down if the bubbling proves to be too dramatic.
The sweetened condensed coconut milk is done when the mixture has reduced to nearly a third of the original volume in the pan. Stir the mixture with the spatula and it should leave a trail on the top. Slide the pan to a cool burner and let the mixture continue to concentrate and cool. After about 10 minutes, it should have thickened further. Draw the spatula through the pot and there should be tiny gap in the bottom that holds for a minute or so. If not, you can always reheat and cook for a few minutes longer. It will thicken as it cools!
You should have about 2 ⅓ cups. If you went too far, add coconut milk and recook briefly. Stir in the vanilla (if using), then let cool completely. Retaste and if you want more sugar, add up to ½ cup and briefly recook to melt and incorporate. Regardless, store in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 2 months. Return to room temperature to use.
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